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Grass Seed
Sold by the pound or in 25# bags

Sunny Grass
Perfect for areas in direct sunlight. Contains Kentucky blue, perennial rye, and red fescue seed.

Shady Grass
Perfect for areas that receive minimal sunlight. Contains fescues and perennial rye.

Athletic Mix
Perfect for sports fields and high traffic areas. Contains grasses that withstand activity.
Other Grass Seeds
Pasture Mix
Perfect for grazing animals. Contains orchard grass, hybrid rye grass, timothy, Kentucky blue, and alfalfa.
Waterway Mix
Perfect for ditches and roadsides. Contains grasses that withstand water and create a strong root base.
Thee Old Mill offers the following:
(Nitrogen - Phosphorus - Potash)
Triple 19 ( 19-19-19)
Triple 12 (12-12-12)
46-0-0 (Urea)
Step 1: Crabgrass Preventer --> 19-0-3
Step 2: Weed n' Feed --> 20-0-3
Step 3: Premium Fertilizer --> 24-0-3
Step 4: Winterizer --> 26-0-3
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