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Michigan Made
This small, family owned business aims to provide a high quality product for improving and maintaining soil quality by providing products specifically designed for your projects.
Soil Amendments
Dairy Doo
Unique compost blend offers nutrient dense soil amendment option
** DO NOT plant direct in Dairy Doo **
Worm Doo
High-quality worm castings provide good biology and fungal properties to support root growth.
Topsoil Blend
Utilizes Dairy Doo and Peat moss to promote water and nutrients retention.
Tree 'n Shrub
Specialy designed organic soil to give trees and shrubs a jump start.
** DO NOT plant direct in Tree 'n Shrub **
Due to the high amounts of organic matter found within Dairy Doo, Tree 'n Shrub, and Worm Doo these product are ONLY recommended for soil amendment. DO NOT plant bare roots, or seeds directly into any of these products. However, the Topsoil Blend is suitable for direct planting.
Click the links below for more information regarding soil amendment:
** DO NOT plant direct in Worm Doo **
Potting Soils
Seed Starter 101
Safe for DIRECT planting in pots, trays, and trenches. Can be utilized for blocking.
Organic potting soil with ingredients carefully selected to create beautiful, healthy plants,
Organic mix blended to create potting soil with the minerals and nutrients your veggies need.
Click the links below for more information regarding the potting soils:
Lawn & Garden Fertilizers
All Purpose
Offers the benefits of a fertilizer, while also adding organice matter to your soil.
Safe Green Lawn
Healthy Garden
Phosphorus free, ORGANIC granulated fertilizer. Safe for use around kids, pets, lakes, or rivers.
ORGANIC, granulated fertilizer provides a pick-me-up to any of your indoor or outdoor plants.
Click the links below for more information regarding fertilizers:
Liquid Fertilizers
Each blaster is specifically formulated to provide the proper nutrients boost to any type of plant. By using various minerals and organic matter they have created products that can be used throughout the season to grow vibrant flowers, delicious veggies, juicy fruit, and a lush green lawn.
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